CGPA to Percentage

Enter CGPA and then click calculate.

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is a widely used grading system in various educational institutions. To convert a CGPA to a percentage, a common formula is employed, especially in systems where the maximum CGPA is 10.

The Famous Conversion Formula With An Example:

Suppose you got 5.99 CGPA.

Percentage = CGPA x 9.5

To convert a CGPA of 5.99:

Percentage = 5.99 x 9.5 = 56.91%

Please note - that methods for converting CGPA to percentage can vary between institutions. Some may have their own specific formulas or grading scales.

For example, common conversions include CGPA multiplied by 8.9, 9, 10, or 5. Additionally, many institutions follow different formulas, such as:

      Percentage = CGPA * 9.5 (if CGPA > 7)
      Percentage = CGPA * 9 (if CGPA ≤ 7)
      Percentage = (CGPA – 0.5) × 10

Always check your institution's guidelines for the most accurate conversion method.